Chromosome Analysis from Papillary Carcinoma and Nodular Hyperplasia of the Thyroid Gland |
Dae Won Hwhang;Ki Yong Chung;Joong Shin Kang;Hong Tae Kim;Sung Ik Chang |
결절성 갑상선종과 유두성 갑상선암의 염색체 분석 |
황대원;정기용;강중신;김홍태;장성익 |
Abstract |
The nodular hyperplasia of the thyroid is a common thyriod disease. Nodular hyperplasia does rarely progress to thyroid cancer. The differentiation of a nodular hyperplasia from a neoplasm may be simple or difficult, both clinically and anatomically. The papillary carcinoma of the thyroid is the most common type of thyroid malignancies. There were few studies about cytogenetic observation in thyroid cancer. But only one case of banding observation in nodular hyperplasia have been reported. In order to compare the chromosomal changes in the thyroid cancer and the noncancerous thyroid disease, we performed cytogenetic analysis in two papillary carcinoma and two nodular hyperplasia after cell culture. The chromosomal pattern of the nodular hyperplasia found was very heterogenous but no clonal abnormaly in both cases was observed.
Case I : A modal chromosomal number was in 42-46 range. Chromosome 8, 19, 21. 22 were commonly lost. 9 structural anomalities among 51 analysed cells were observed but they were not clonal.
Case II: A modal chromosomal number was 43. Chromosome 17 and 19 were commonly lossed.
Common cytogenetic characters of this two nodular hyperplasia are hypodiploidity and very heterogenous chromosomal pattern.
The result about the papillary carcinoma are as follow. In one case some numerical and structural chromosomal changes were observed. But they were not clonal abnormality. In another case the chromosomal pattern found was very heterogenous with a clonal abnormality of del(11)(q23). The modal number was 46. The del(11)(q23) a chromosomal change in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid have previously been reported(Eva Olah et al. 1989).
We suggest that 11q deletion may be important role to pathogenesis of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. According to this results, we could not find out specific differences about chromosomal changes and any relationship between the papillary carcinoma and the nodular hyperplasia. |
Key Words:
Chromosome analysis, Nodular hyperplasia of thyroid, Papillary carcinoma of thyroid |