Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 1992;8(2):72-81.
Published online November 30, 1992.
Recurred Thyroid Carcinoma
Kyue Il Park;Jung Han Yoon;Young Jong Jegal
재발성 갑상선 암
Thyroid cancer, the most common cancer of endocrine neoplasms, has tremendous variation in tumor biologic behavior. There is no consensus about treatment mode to prevent recurrences despite of recent advance in understanding characteristics of thyroid cancer. So, we have made a clinical analysis and follow-up study of recurred 27 cases among 189 cases treated under the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma in the department of surgery, Chonnam University Hospital from February, 1982 to February, 1992 to clarify our experience about the characteristics of recurred thyroid cancer. The results were as follow : According to the pathological classification of recurred thyroid cancer, recurrence rate was 11.63 in papillary carcinoma, 15.6% in follicular carcinoma, 37.5% in medullary carcinoma, 66.7 3 in undifferentiated carcinoma, respectively, and the mean recurrence rate of thyroid cancer was 14.3%. The recurrence rate according to age was 28.6% in 8th decade and 17.9% in 4th decade. The recurrence rate according to sex was not singificant(15.6% in male: 14% in female). The mean period to relapse was 4 years 6 months in papillary carcinoma, 2 years 5 months in follicular carcinoma, 2 years 1 months in medullary carcinoma, 2 years 6 months in undifferentiated carcinoma. The recurrence rate according to previous operating methods, such as performing lymph node dissection or not, mode of thyridectomy, type of lymph node dissection was statisfically non-specific. Common recurrent sites of papillary and follicular carcinoma was cervical lymph node and remained thyroid tissue. Medullary and undifferentiated carcinoma was noted in multiregional or systemic involvement. Reoperation was performed with complete resection of recurred or metastatic mass, such as radical neck dissection or mass extirpation from involved organs as possible. The postoperative complications were 2 cases of horseness, and 1 case with hematoma, transient hypocalcemia, wound infection, and pulmonary insufficency, respectively. 5-year smvival rate was 85.5% in papillary carcinoma. 66.7% in follicular carcinoma. 50% in medullary carcinoma. and 50 % in undifferentiated carcinoma. We concluded that recurrence in thyroid cancer give a reconsideration to previous conservative therapy and more extensive surgical procedures for thyroid cancer including lymphatic dissection are recommanded to prevent recurrences in selected cases if possible.
Key Words: Recurred thyroid cancer, Site, surgical procedure


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