A Case of Dysplastic Epiglottis in Elderly Patient |
Sung Hwan Lim;Seung Woo Kim |
노령 환자에서 발견된 후두개 이형성증 1예 |
임성환;김승우 |
Abstract |
Dysplastic epiglottis is extremely rare congenital malformation, which usually occurs in association with other
laryngeal anomalies. Hypoplasia is the most common type in epiglottic malfomations. Other abnormalities include
rudimentary, aplasia and bifid etc. Mostly, they are found in infancy and early childhood, and diagnosis at adulthood is extremely rare. A 69-year-old man with chronic cough and globus sense visited our clinic. Laryngoscopic findings revealed a unique form of epiglottis. He had no history of laryngeal trauma, tumors, head and neck surgery, and radiation. There was no another anomaly in the laryngo-pharynx. Because of a mass-like lesion at the apex of epiglottis, we performed the laryngeal microsurgery. The pathology revealed as granulation tissue. We report a rare and unique case of dysplastic epiglottis in elderly patient with a brief literature review. |
Key Words:
Epiglottis, Dysplasia |