Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 2017;33(1):47-52.
Published online May 30, 2017.
A Case of Tracheal Stent Insertion in Airway Compromise Resulting from Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
Woo joo Nam;So Yean Kim;Tae Hwan Kim;Sang Hyuk Lee
호흡 곤란을 유발한 미분화 갑상선암에서 기관 스텐트 삽입 1예
Anaplastic thyroid cancer is a rare disease entity consist 2% of whole thyroid cancer but once diagnosed, it is too fatal to survive. Airway obstruction is a leading cause of death in anaplastic thyroid cancer, which may be caused by both vocal cord palsy, mass effect of the cancer or direct invasion of the cancer itself to the tracheal lumen. Tracheal stent insertion can be a solution for airway compromised cases where surgical excision cannot be performed. The advantage is that the airway problem can be solved without invasive procedure. In this case, we tried expandable tracheal stent insertion for 66 years-old man with anaplastic cancer who visited ER for small amount of hemoptysis and dyspnea. There was severe tracheal narrowing and deviation due to the anaplastic thyroid cancer, ECMO (Extra Corporal Membrane Oxygenation) was used instead of a tracheal intubation for general anesthesia.
Key Words: Thyroid gland, Anaplastic cancer, Tracheal stent, Air way obstruction, ECMO


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