Follicular Thyroid Cancer with Multiple Bone Metastasis : A Case Report |
Dae Jin Sah;Seul Ki Kwak;Seung Woo Kim |
갑상샘 여포암의 다발성 골전이 1예 |
사대진;곽슬기;김승우 |
Abstract |
Follicular thyroid cancer(FTC) accounts for about 10-15% of thyroid cancer. Distant metastasis is common, usually to lung, bone and brain. 71-years-old man visited neurosurgery outpatient department. He complained of recent 6kg weight loss, left upper extremity pain with weakness and back pain. The radiologic findings showed multiple bone metastasis including thoracic spine and left scapular resulting from FTC. There was a probable brain metastatic lesion on right temporal fossa. The core biopsy of thyroid and thoracic spine(T11) confirmed metastatic follicular carcinoma. Radioactive iodine therapy and radiotherapy was done following total thyroidectomy. We report a unique case of multiple bone metastasis from follicular carcinoma of thyroid with literature review. |
Key Words:
Follicular thyroid cancer, Multiple bone metastasis |