A Case of Parapharyngeal Pleomorphic Adenoma Removal Intraorally |
Young Sam Yoo;Jeong Hwan Choi;Sang Woo Kim;Kuk Sung Woo;Joong Hyun Park |
경구강 적출이 가능했던 부인강 이형성종 1예 |
유영삼;최정환;김상우;우국성;박중현 |
Abstract |
Primary tumors of the parapharyngeal space are rare and account for only 0.5% of head and neck neoplasm.
About 80% of parapharyngeal tumors are benign and 20% are malignant. Parapharyngeal space is classified into the Prestyloid space and the Poststyloid space. The Poststyloid tumors are usually benign lesions such as neuro-genic tumors, paragangliomas, vascular tumors, or aneurisms. The origins of prestyloid tumors are much more diverse pathology, the pleomorphic adenoma in parotid deep lobe is most common type. Several surgical ap-proaches have been introduced for management of parapharyngeal tumor, such as transcervical, transparotid-transcervical and the transcervical-transmandibular approaches. This paper is aimed to present a large parapha-ryngeal space tumor removed via transoral approach. It is possible to remove easier by using microdebrider. The pathologic diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma. |
Key Words:
Parapharyngeal space tumor, Pleomorphic adenoma, Intraorally |