Two Cases of Necrotizing Sialometaplasia of the Soft Palate |
Moon Sang Jung;Myung Chul Lee;Jung A Mo;Pyung San Cho |
연구개의 괴사성 타액선 화생 2예 |
정문상;이명철;모정아;조평산 |
Abstract |
Necrotizing sialometaplasia was defined by Abrams et al. in 1973 as a reactive necrotizing inflammatory pro-cess involving minor salivary glands. Prior to recognition of necrotizing sialometaplasia as a benign, self-limited lesion, it was all too often diagnosed as either squamous cell carcinoma or mucoepidermoid carcinoma and had been improperly treated because of its clinical and histological resemblance to malignancy. We report two cases of necrotizing sialometaplasia. One case involved a 56-year-old female who developed a necrotizing sialometa-plasia in association with palato-pharyngeal flap wound after excision of soft palate cancer and reconstruction.
Another case involved a 55-year-old male who had a soft palate mass. |
Key Words:
Necrotizing sialometaplasia, Adenoid cystic carcinoma pleomorphic adenoma |