Surgery and Prognostic Consideration in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer(DTC) |
Kyung-Do Byun;Tae-Kwun Ha;Sung-Mock Ryu;Tae-Hyun Kim;Sang-Hyo Kim |
분화 갑상선암의 수술 및 예후에 대한 고찰 |
변경도;하태권;유성목;김태현;김상효 |
Abstract |
Purpose :For the past 10 years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has been rapidly increased in female popula-ion showing current incidence of 12,000 new thyroid cancer patients annually in Korea. Though differentiated thyroid cancer is known to show favorable prognosis and excellent long-term survival from slow growth and late distant metastasis, we re-evaluated prognostic factors of recurrence and mortality following surgical procedures based on our cases. Material and Methods :954 Patients of DTC surgically treated at Department of Surgery, Inje University Busan Paik Hospital between 1980 and 2004 were reviewed in the aspects of the surgical procedures, clinical staging, risk factors, recurrence and their outcome through median follow-up period of 10.5 years. Results :Recurrence in remnant thyroid, cervical nodes, and distant metastasis were observed in 84 pa-ients(8.8%), and 31 patients were confirmed to be died of locoregional recurrence of cancer and distant metas-asis. Regarding the risk factors to recurrence, tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, nodal metastasis, and capsular invasion were significant predictors(p<0.05). Local recurrence and distant metastasis had no statistical signi-icance according to age, sex, pathology, surgery, and lymphovascular invasion. Overall 10-year survival rate was 92.4%, but low, intermediate, and high-risk patient showed 100%, 94.4%, and 70.5% respectively. Conclusion :The significant factors influencing local recurrence and distant metastasis were tumor size, extrathyroidal ex-ension, LN metastasis, capsular invasion. In order to improve survival rate of high-risk group, appropriate and aggressive management should be recommended. |
Key Words:
Differentiated thyroid cancer, Recurrence, Survival |