Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 2008;24(2):189-193.
Published online November 30, 2008.
Patholgic Finding and Surgical Consideration in Micropapillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid
Hyun-Chul Lee;Woon-Won Kim;Sang-Hoon Oh;Sang-Hyo Kim
갑상선 미세유두암의 병리학적 소견 및 수술적 고려
Objectives :The incidence of micropapillary thyroid carcinoma(MPC) which is very good prognosis is in-creasing due to ultrasonography and accurate fine neede aspiration cytology. MPC defined papillary thyroid carcinoma below 1cm. According to the size, histophaothogic feature is different, lymph node metastasis and capsular invasion occur occasionally. So, we consider different treatment according to the size of MPC. Matrials and Methods :We reviewed and analyzed the record of 216 MPC patients operated at department of general surgery Busan Paik Hospital since 1995 January to 2005 Desember retrospectively. Result :The sex ratio was 1:9.29(male;21, female;195). Total thyroidectomy 20cases(9.3%), subtotal thyroidectomy 141cases(65%), lobectomy 52cases(24%), completion operation 3cases(1.4%) were done. Combined diseases were follicular carcinoma 4cases, follicular adenoma 11cases, thyroiditis 46cases, nodular hyperplasia 44cases. Lymph node metastasis 56cases and capsular invasion 56cases were presented. Group A(<5mm) was 53cases, group B(5-10mm) was 163cases. Group B showed higher lymph node metastasis and capsular invasion(P<0.05). Multiple carcinoma Showed higher capsular invasion than single carcinoma (P<0.05). Complications were post operative bleeding 1case, husky voice 1case, hypocalcemia 1case.
:We can consider more extensive operation in 5-10mm of MPC patients.
Key Words: Micropapillary thyroid carcinoma, Lymph node metastasis, Capsular invasion


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