Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 1996;12(2):161-168.
Published online November 30, 1996.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurogenic Tumors in the Head and Neck
Seong Bae Kim;Sang Hoon Oh;Sang Hyo Kim
두경부 신경성 종양의 진단과 치료
The neuorogenic tumor is known to be originated from neural crest, and the involved cells are Schwann cell, ganglion cell, and paraganglion cell. The Schwannoma, neurofibroma, and malignant schwannoma arise from the schwann cell, ganglioneuroma is from ganglion cell, and carotid body tumor and glomus tumor are originated from paraganglion cell. Authors reviewed thirty-eight patients of the neurogenic tumors in the head and neck, excluding intracranial tumor and Von-Recklinghausen disease, surgically treated at the Department of Surgery, Pusan Paik Hospital from January 1981 to May 1996. Of the 38 cases, 28 cases were schwannoma, 6 cases neurofibroma, 2 cases malignant schwannoma, and 2 cases paraganglioma. These tumors occurred at any age, but the majority of patients occurred in the fourth decade of life. There was female preponderance (M : F=1 : 1. 53) in sex ratio. The lateral cervical region was the most common distribution. 12 cases arose from the anterior triangle of neck, and 12 cases from the posterior triangle of neck. The major nerve origin of tumor could be identified in 30 cases (80%). 11 cases were treated by simple excision, and partial excision was 3 cases. Excision with parotidectomy 1 case, enucleation 11 cases, enucleation with parotidectomy 7 cases, radical neck dissection 1 cases, upper neck dissection 2 cases, suprahyoid dissection 1 case, Caldwell­Luc operation 1 case. The postoperative complications were hoarseness (2 cases), facial palsy (1 case), Homer syndrome (1 case), and hypoesthesia of tongue (1 case).
Key Words: Neurogenic tumor, Head and neck


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