Radiation Therapy in T1 Glottic Cancer |
Eun Ji Chung;Sang Wook Lee;Chang Geol Lee;Gwi Eon Kim;Kwang Moon Kim;Won Pyo Hong |
병기 T1 성문암의 방사선치료 |
정은지;이상욱;이창걸;김귀언;김광문;홍원표 |
Abstract |
Radiation therapy in T1 glottic cancer offers an excellent cure rate with preservation of voice. From 1983 to 1992 eighty nine patients with TNM staged T1N0M0 invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis were treated at the Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University. There were 84 men and 5 women with median age of 59 years. All patients were treated either with Co-60 teletherapy unit or 4MV linear accelerator with an median dose of 6400 cGy(6000-7000 cGy), 200 cGy per day, 5 days in a week. Fourteen local failures have been observed and the median time to local recurrence was 17 months. There were no nodal failure without local recurrence or distant metastases. The 5 year local control rate was 84.3%. The 5 year actuarial surivival rate and the 5 year disease free survival rate were 89.2%, 87.5%, respectively. The 5 year actuarial survival rate and the 5 year disease free survival rate of the nineteen patients with anterior commissure involvement were 77.8% and 74.5% which were lower than those of seventy patients without anterior commissure involvement(91.6%, 90.6%)(p < 0.05). Among the several influencing factors, anterior commissure involvement was the significant prognostic factor. Final local control rate, taking into account the salvage surgery, was 89.9% at 5 years. |
Key Words:
Early glottic cancer, Radiotherapy, Radiation failure |