The Result of Combined Treatment with Induction Chemotherpy and Radiotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Cancer |
Jang Su Suh;Yong Dae Kim;Jae Yun Chun;Jun Hong Kim;Jung Hwa Lee;Sei Won Shin |
비인강악성종양에서 유도화학요법과 방사선요법을 병행치료한 결과 |
서장수;김용대;전재윤;김준홍;이정화;신세원 |
Abstract |
The malignant tumor of nasopharynx occurs in china and other oriental contries as high incidence and its prognosis is relatively poor because of frequent intracranial extension and early metastasis. Traditional therapeutic modality of nasopharyngeal cancer was definite radiotherapy, but recently some cancer institute had tried combined modality with induction chemotherapy and reported it may be valuable.
We report the clinical evaluation and therapeutic result about 28 nasopharyngeal cancer patients which were treated with 2 courses of induction chemotherapy(Cisplatin+5-FU) and radiotherapy.
The results were as follows:
1) The 3 years and 5 years survival rate were 76% and 47% in total patients.
2) The 3 years and 5 years survival rate were 92% and 63% in T1, T2, T3 group, and 25% and 0% in T4 group.
3) The 3 year and 5 year survival rate were 100% and 60% in neck node negative group, and 60% and 40% in neck node positive group.
4) The 3 year and 5 years survival rate were 100% and 50% in stage I II group, and 71% and 44% in stage III, IV group. |
Key Words:
Nasopharyngeal cancer, Induction chemotherapy, Radiotherapy |